A little thought to share  

31 July, 2009

I read this in a book "Peaks and valleys" by Spencer Johnson.
Penning it down in my own words !

A - how does the above picture look to you ?
B - Tracings of a Heart beat
A - Does that remind you of anything else ?
B - Hmmm..
A - The ups and downs of life , the peaks and valleys in one's life.

So only when the heart beat resembles like the one in the picture , it means heart is functioning well .


A - If your trace of heart beat is like the one above, what does it mean?
B - A Problem, I am dead .
A - Yea, true .

When you have no ups and downs in life , and when you are running in a smooth lane it means you are dead.

So ups and downs are essential part of a normal healthy life .

Very well said . I loved it.
Quite coincidentally, my today's fortune in Orkut read :" If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances"

I am having UPs and DOWNs.

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